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+254 743 757 067

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Donation Total: $100.00


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A concrete help for the causes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eu maximus ante, eget sollicitudin metus. Sed fringilla efficitur fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices​



Promise Giving Organization is a trusted name for helping the poor; we have been working on this project to make equal opportunities for everyone and save the children by making the world a better place.



We want to see our organization in that position where we can see that only 10 percent of people are living under poverty and in 2040 no people will be living under poverty around the world.



Nunc diam nulla, commodo sed neque in, dignissim volutpat orci. Maecenas tempus massa, in feugiat.

Organizer Testimony

Proin at varius arcu. Sed posuere orci bibendum pharetra dapibus.

Food & Water

Millions of people around the world live under a lower scale of poverty. They do not get pure,

Voluntary Donations

Proin at varius arcu. Sed posuere orci bibendum pharetra dapibus.

Medical Aid

Proin at varius arcu. Sed posuere orci bibendum pharetra dapibus.


Millions of people around the world live under a lower scale of poverty. They do not get pure, s.

Best Experience

Duis commodo enim dui, ac ultricies justo aliquam ut. Sed sed tortor commodo, elementum justo ut, dignissi.
Tamara Allen

The ways to help others in the best possible way

Aliquam semper diam in

Proin lobortis mauris sed lorem convallis

Nullam pulvinar massa posuere

Proin lobortis mauris sed lorem convallis

Suspendisse gravida augue

Proin lobortis mauris sed lorem convallis

Vestibulum eleifend lacus

Proin lobortis mauris sed lorem convallis

Donec sed euismod neque

Proin lobortis mauris sed lorem convallis

Praesent quis maximus libero

Proin lobortis mauris sed lorem convallis

Write us for more information on donations

We value feedbacks, our team is glad to assist, keep in touch with us for inquiry.

Contact Our Organization